====== Quick Start ====== * [[https://element.asra.gr|Element in your Browser]] * [[https://f-droid.org/en/packages/im.vector.app/|Element on F-Droid]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=im.vector.app|Riot on Google Playstore]] * [[https://apps.apple.com/app/vector/id1083446067|Element on Apple AppStore]] [[https://element.asra.gr|{{:launchbrowser.png|Element in your Browser}}]] [[https://f-droid.org/en/packages/im.vector.app/|{{:getonfdroid.png|Element on F-Droid}}]] [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=im.vector.app|{{:getongoogle.png|Element on Google Play}}]] [[https://apps.apple.com/app/vector/id1083446067|{{:getonitunes.png|Element on Apple AppStore}}]] ====== First steps ====== [{{ :custsrvmster.png|Don't forget to set the correct server on your Smartphone!}}] * [[install app|install app]] * [[create account|create account]] ====== Tips ====== * If you didn't specify an email address you can add one in the settings. That's important for password resets. * Some smartphones add a space after the dot of ''https://asra. gr'' - it doesn't belong there! * To save battery on your smartphone you can increase the time of the poll interval how often new messages are being checked. ====== Rules ====== This server is operated by people close to the CCC and therefore roughly follows the ideals of the club. Some explicit rules are: * Be excellent to each other * Age 18+ * No: racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny,… you get the point. * Don't register accounts that sound like official asra.gr system accounts (for example: @bridgebot:asra.gr) * Nazi shit not welcome * Loli shit not welcome * to make it clear: child porn, no matter if it's drawn or not, results in immediate bans! * IS and other terror shit not welcome ====== Contact ====== Reach admins in the room #asra.gr:asra.gr (bridged to this public chat box) or send an email to abuse at this domain or contact @abuse:asra.gr. This server also implements [[https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/hs/proposal-admin-contact-1/proposals/1929-admin-contact.md|MSC 1929]] ===== Public Support Chat ===== {{page>:chat}}