====== Signal Bridge ====== Users on this server have the possibility to send messages to users on Signal. As Signal needs a phone number, you also need a phone number to use this bridge. Signal will not know your Matrix account. Your phone number will be connected to your asra.gr account on this server. ===== Getting started ===== Open a direct message with @signal:asra.gr. This DM will be used to manage everything regarding Signal from now on, so keep it open. The next step depends if you already have Signal or not. ==== Signal already installed ==== If you already have a signal account, send **link** to @signal:asra.gr, you will receive an QR code which you have to scan with the Signal app. Then you're ready. ==== New to Signal ==== If you're new to Signal, you need to register an account. To do so, you also need a captcha token. To get the token, open [[https://signalcaptchas.org/registration/generate.html]], solve the captcha and you will be redirected to something like [[signalcaptcha://aSdFgH...|signalcaptcha://aSdFgH...]]. Everything after the / is the token you need, in this example **aSdFgH...**. For more infos, see also [[https://signald.org/articles/captcha/]] To register your phone number, now send it together with the captcha token to the direct message with @signal:asra.gr: register --captcha aSdFgH... +12234567 ===== Send Messages ===== Type **pm +432123456** in the management chat. You will be invited to a new direct message, which is connected to your Signal contact. ===== Security Considerations ===== If you want to use Signal for secure communication, you shouldn't use this bridge. See also [[https://gitlab.com/signald/signald/-/issues/101]] This bridge is meant to keep contact with users who don't want to use Matrix for what reason ever. ===== Known Problems ===== * Signal messages from foreign numbers sometimes don't appear. Workaround: Send them a message at first, then it works in both directions * Stickers sometimes don't work